Waste Management Services

Looking to save money and reduce your organisation’s environmental impact? A facilities management contract with Derwent FM means we can handle every aspect of your operation’s waste management requirements in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly fashion.

Key benefits include:

  • Years of experience to help your organisation to reduce waste and increase rates of recycling
  • Saving money on waste handling and disposal by reducing expenditure on landfill tax
  • Improving your organisation’s sustainability credentials and helping its public image as a result
  • Ensuring that even ambitious targets for cutting waste and reducing carbon footprints are met
  • Customised waste management packages to suit the specific needs of all our clients
  • A range of waste handling duties condensed into one transparent and easy to manage contract
  • Maintaining a hygienic and pleasant environment for all building users

We recognise the diverse range of waste management challenges facing different sectors, so we work hard to develop unique and innovative waste management solutions for every client. Our efficient and convenient services will also be designed to work around your organisation, ensuring that disruption to your operation is negligible. Maintaining a clean and safe environment is crucial for maintaining the happiness, satisfaction and motivation of all individuals who interact with your organisation. With that in mind, you can trust Derwent FM to maintain high standards and keep all users of your buildings satisfied.

The waste management services we can provide include, but are not limited to:

  • General waste collection and removal
  • Bespoke recycling services with clearly defined goals for increasing recycling rates
  • Recycling of glass, plastic, metal, paper and cardboard
  • Handling hazardous waste
  • Removal of confidential waste
  • Wood recycling
  • ‘Inactive’ waste removal (brick, earth, concrete etc.)
  • Handling waste oil
  • Tanker services

If you are interested in fresh and innovative ideas for waste management that are in line with the goals of a socially conscious organisation, contact Derwent FM today. We will work hard to create a facilities management contract encompassing a tailored approach to waste management to save you money and reduce your environmental impact.

Contact Us

0113 531 1000

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