Insurance Management

For the management of all your professional insurance needs, Derwent FM can provide an expert and value for money service that will be tailored to your unique requirements. From procuring and managing insurance contracts that will offer the protection against risks you need down to ensuring that insurers pay out when they should, our insurance management experts can be relied upon to deliver fantastic results.

Key benefits include:

  • Using our extensive knowledge of the insurance sector, we will ensure you are not paying more than you need to for cover
  • Managing a range of insurance contracts for you (especially when your organisation requires several different types of insurance) so you can focus on your core operations
  • Mitigating serious financial risks for your operations by making sure you have appropriate and comprehensive levels of insurance cover
  • Ensuring that insurance providers pay out when they are obliged to do so
  • Maintaining your organisation’s compliance with the terms of your insurance policies
  • Experience helping to manage insurance contracts and risk for a wide range of different clients
  • A contract with Derwent FM can encompass a range of risk management measures to complement insurance management services

Managing your organisation’s insurance can practically become a full-time job with all the complications, nuances and expectations of insurance providers. Derwent FM can remove this burden by offering full insurance management services so that you can focus on your core operations. With the number of different types of insurance that even smaller organisations can require, it is an area that can be overwhelming for non-specialists. Just some of the varied types of insurance you may require include health insurance for your staff, motor insurance if you have company vehicles, building and contents insurance or specialist types of insurance such as medical malpractice cover. Derwent FM is here to manage multiple contracts for you. By condensing a range of services into a facilities management package with Derwent FM, you will have only one, easy to manage contract to deal with.

To discover how entrusting Derwent FM with managing your organisation’s insurance can have fantastic benefits, contact us today. You will be impressed by our professional service and our ability to deliver on our cost-saving promises.

Contact Us

0113 531 1000

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