
Environmental Sustainability at Derwent FM 

At Derwent FM, we take our environmental responsibility seriously. We recognise that our actions can significantly impact the environment, and we are committed to minimizing that impact. By analysing our operations and implementing thoughtful changes, we strive to operate in a sustainable manner.  

Here are some of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to environmental consciousness: 

  • Proactive Carbon Footprint Reduction: We actively seek ways to minimise our carbon footprint through targeted strategies and practices. 
  • Energy Use Monitoring and Reduction: We measure energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, implementing savings and reductions wherever feasible. 
  • Staff Training for Sustainability: Our training programs encourage staff engagement with sustainability and promote best practices. 
  • Sustainable Building Materials: Whenever possible, we use materials from sustainable sources, such as FSC-certified timber. 
  • Client-Driven Sustainable Design: We encourage clients to choose designs aligned with ambitious sustainability goals, including options like roof-mounted photovoltaic panels. 
  • Efficient Equipment Maintenance: We maintain equipment at our managed sites to maximise efficiency and minimise energy waste. 
  • Innovative Technologies for Energy Savings: We leverage cutting-edge technologies and techniques across our services to save energy and costs. 
  • Promotion of Eco-Friendly Transportation: We encourage use of public transport, cycling, and car-sharing schemes among our staff, residents, and visitors. 
  • Transparent Sustainability Statements: We provide shareholders and clients with clear sustainability statements to demonstrate our environmental commitment. 
  • Responsible Waste Management: Our schemes focus on increasing recycling rates and reducing waste sent to landfills. 
  • Creative Sustainable Building Designs: We prioritise innovative and sustainable building designs as a core goal. 

At Derwent FM, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the environment. As part of the Places for People Group, we align with the Group’s strategy, which you can explore alongside our latest ESG Report online. 

Places for People - ESG